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ELEVATION strengthens its know-how by surrounding itself with the best talents, Vertex CGI, exploring the Future of « Fake Out of Home » advertising to create powerful and memorable images.


In addition to its recognized expertise in 3D and post-production, it also uses FOOH to transcend imaginations.

A cutting-edge technique mixing film making, 3D, AI and post-production. This effect of gigantism, both crazy and realistic, surprises and engages communities, ranging from virtual trips to interactive demos.


For Sébastien ANFRAY, "This fusion of reality and imagination allows brands to connect in an innovative way with their audience".

At a time when online experiences are multiplying, creating an emotional connection is absolutely essential.

These spectacular stagings of your product set a new tone: At the top of a skyscraper in New York, in contact with the most beautiful monuments in Paris or London, in the most unexpected settings...


ELEVATION and Vertex CGI are convinced that it is by creating bridges between our Creative and Digital Industries that we can better enhance our creative power and impact our world.


Let's imagine together the digital experiences of tomorrow.


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